Can I Have an Unhurried Christmas?





How many of us feel overwhelmed when it comes to the holiday season? How many of us find ourselves filling up our calendars before the month ever even begins?

This time of year, with all the holiday fun, we can find ourselves running ragged. How do you stop all the hustle and bustle that comes with this time of year? It’s hard to say no to all the fun activities that fill our calendars: Christmas parties, Santa pictures, Christmas light watching, gingerbread house making, advent calendars, cookie exchanges—the list goes on and on.

While these are all very good, fun things, if we are not careful, they can easily cause us to lose what this season is really all about: the gift of Jesus.

Early in my marriage, I was introduced to Noel Piper’s book Treasuring God in Our Traditions (free download here). She talks about the need to be intentional and to create rhythms to our celebrations. Piper talks very clearly about how to remain focused on the true meaning of this season and how to cultivate traditions that center our hearts on Christ through Advent devotions, scripture memory, and nativity scenes. When we spend focused time on Christ, then some of the hustle and bustle will naturally fall away as we focus our hearts on the peace that only Jesus offers.

Piper says, “May this time be a reflection of what our lives are—gratitude for the promises that were fulfilled when God gave us the gift of his Son and anticipation of and preparation for Christ’s coming again.” Goodness! That’s a great reminder that my desires are to be focused on thankfulness for His coming and then preparing my heart for Him to come again.

I personally desire in this holiday season to say “no” more often and to prioritize the activities that bring me and my family joy this season. I want to engage in events and activities that remind us of Christ’s birth and spur thankful hearts in my children. But culling down that list and trimming away all the extra things and events is not an easy task. It takes intentionality and focus. Here are a few areas to think through if you desire to see this season be more relaxed and your heart more focused:

  • Intentionality: Spend some time preparing Advent lessons or download Bible reading plans for you and your family. Being intentional to incorporate Christ’s story in your day-to-day life will help you remain focused. (Advent resources below)

  • Prioritize: Sit down with your spouse and kids and make a list of activities you hope to participate in this season. Then, rank those items from most important to least important. Decide together what you can say no to and cut the list down as you go. This helps set healthy expectations and boundaries on your time. You don’t have to do everything!

  • Plan ahead: As you look at your new list, think about when events fall and consider if creating some white space in your calendar is a healthier option. Don’t over-commit yourself. It is okay to say no and not be at all events or all the activities you feel everyone else is doing.

  • Be present: This is a tough one when life feels like it is running non-stop. It is hard to stop, calm your mind, and be fully in the moment where you are. Put your phone down, stop thinking of all that is still left to do, and enjoy the moments as they come. Work to stay focused on conversations and less worried about the perfect photo to post.

I challenge you to take some time to look at your calendar and see what might need to be tweaked or removed. Make sure you have time to focus on Christ and the amazing gift of Himself here on earth. He came! Jesus came to earth as a baby to give you an abundant, God-glorifying life. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of this season drown out the peace that Jesus offers each of us!

Treasuring God in Our Traditions, (2007) Piper, p.80

Advent resources: (Kids) (Adults)

relationshipsKate Tedeton