ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT | Certified IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback Technician

Stephanie Gooch serves our Pathways team with excellence, efficiency, and grace. She took courses in accounting and business administration in college and has nearly 20 years experience in administration and communication-related duties. In 2024,  Stephanie became a Certified IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback technician and serves Pathways in dual roles.   She feels working for Pathways has been extremely rewarding and is very excited to see the incredible things ABCH and Pathways will accomplish in the future.

A native of Birmingham, Alabama, she attended high school in Gardendale, just north of Birmingham, where she continues to live and raise her four, beautiful children. Stephanie is also active in her local church, Gardendale First Baptist, as well as attends Bible studies in her community. She believes in giving back to others and especially those less fortunate, so non-profit organizations hold a special place in her heart.

She has been with Pathways since October of 2015.